Features of hittpd: - Asynchronous poll(2) loop - Uses the robust http-parser of node.js - Directory Indexes - HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 support - Ranges (basic variants only) - If-Modified-Since - Keep-Alive (but no pipelining) - IPv6 - sendfile(2) on Linux - Virtual Hosts - ~user directories - NCSA compatible log format - Connection timeouts - Portable code - MIT licensed - less than 3kloc total Anti features: - No daemonization, no pidfiles, use a service supervisor - No config files - No CGI support - No SSL, use behind hitch or the like - No setuid, if you want to bind to a low port, use (on Linux) capsh --keep=1 --user=www-data \ --inh=cap_net_bind_service --addamb=cap_net_bind_service -- \ -c '/usr/local/bin/hittpd /srv/http' Other nifty small webservers to look at: - thttpd - bozohttpd - darkhttpd