= gitsum.el --- basic darcsum feelalike for Git Copyright (C) 2008 Christian Neukirchen Licensed under the same terms as Emacs. Gitsum provides a mode to do interactive partial commits with Emacs. Run `M-x gitsum' inside a Git repository and kill everything you don't want to commit with `k'. You can navigate easily between hunks with `n' and `p' and between files with `N' and `P'. A whole file can be killed with `K'. If you want to refine the patch, you can split it with `C-c C-s'. If you toggle read-only with `C-x C-q', you can edit everything freely (be careful!). If you are ready, commit the patch with `C-c C-c' or just `c'. Enter the message and press `C-c C-c' again. N.B: If you want to add files in the commit, use `M-x git-status' from git.el, add the files with `a', then switch to gitsum with `s'. You can only add files as a whole. Repository: http://github.com/chneukirchen/gitsum git://github.com/chneukirchen/gitsum.git Patches to: chneukirchen@gmail.com