#!/bin/sh # git merge-pr [PRNUM][@REMOTE] [GIT-AM FLAGS...] - list or apply GitHub pull request from command-line set -e PR=$1 REMOTE= case "$PR" in *@*) REMOTE=${PR#*@} PR=${PR%%@*} esac URL=$(git ls-remote --get-url $REMOTE) PROJECT=${URL%.git} PROJECT=${PROJECT##*:} PROJECT=${PROJECT#//github.com/} if command -v wget >/dev/null; then API_CMD="wget -q -O- --header" PATCH_CMD="wget -nv -O" elif command -v curl >/dev/null; then API_CMD="curl -s -H" PATCH_CMD="curl -Lo" else echo "Neither wget or curl could be found in PATH" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PR" ]; then $API_CMD 'Accept: application/json' \ "https://api.github.com/repos/${PROJECT}/pulls" | jq -r 'if length > 0 then reverse[] | "\(.number) <\(.user.login)> \(.title)" else "No open pull requests." end' exit $? else shift fi PATCH="$(mktemp)" trap "rm -f $PATCH" INT TERM EXIT $PATCH_CMD "$PATCH" https://github.com/$PROJECT/pull/"$PR".patch WHITESPACE="$(git config --get merge-pr.whitespace || true)" git am "--whitespace=${WHITESPACE:-warn}" "$@" "$PATCH" if [ "$(git config --bool --get merge-pr.autoclose)" = false ]; then exit 0 fi # Rewrite last commit message to close GitHub issue. GIT_EDITOR="git -c trailer.closes.ifExists=replace interpret-trailers \ --trailer 'Closes: #$PR [via git-merge-pr]' --in-place" \ git commit --quiet --amend