/* * calmwm - the calm window manager * * Copyright (c) 2004 Andy Adamson * Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Marius Aamodt Eriksen * All rights reserved. * * $Id$ */ #include "headers.h" #include "calmwm.h" #define CALMWM_NGROUPS 9 int G_groupmode = 0; int G_groupnamemode = 0; struct group_ctx *G_group_active = NULL; struct group_ctx *G_group_current = NULL; struct group_ctx G_groups[CALMWM_NGROUPS]; char G_group_name[256]; int G_groupfocusset = 0; Window G_groupfocuswin; int G_groupfocusrevert; int G_grouphideall = 0; struct group_ctx_q G_groupq; #define GroupMask (KeyPressMask|ExposureMask) static char *shortcut_to_name[] = { "XXX", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", }; static void _group_add(struct group_ctx *gc, struct client_ctx *cc) { if (cc == NULL || gc == NULL) errx(1, "_group_add: a ctx is NULL"); if (cc->group == gc) return; if (cc->group != NULL) TAILQ_REMOVE(&cc->group->clients, cc, group_entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&gc->clients, cc, group_entry); cc->group = gc; cc->groupcommit = 0; } static void _group_remove(struct client_ctx *cc) { if (cc == NULL || cc->group == NULL) errx(1, "_group_remove: a ctx is NULL"); TAILQ_REMOVE(&cc->group->clients, cc, group_entry); cc->group = NULL; cc->groupcommit = 0; cc->highlight = 0; client_draw_border(cc); } static void _group_commit(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; if (gc == NULL) errx(1, "_group_commit: ctx is null"); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) cc->groupcommit = 1; } static void _group_purge(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; if (gc == NULL) errx(1, "_group_commit: ctx is null"); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) if (cc->groupcommit == 0) _group_remove(cc); } static void _group_hide(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; screen_updatestackingorder(); gc->nhidden = 0; gc->highstack = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { client_hide(cc); gc->nhidden++; if (cc->stackingorder > gc->highstack) gc->highstack = cc->stackingorder; } gc->hidden = 1; /* XXX: equivalent to gc->nhidden > 0 */ } static void _group_show(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; Window *winlist; u_int i; int lastempty = -1; winlist = (Window *) xcalloc(sizeof(*winlist) * (gc->highstack + 1)); /* * Invert the stacking order as XRestackWindows() expects them * top-to-bottom. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { winlist[gc->highstack - cc->stackingorder] = cc->pwin; client_unhide(cc); } /* Un-sparseify */ for (i = 0; i <= gc->highstack; i++) { if (!winlist[i] && lastempty == -1) lastempty = i; else if (winlist[i] && lastempty != -1) { winlist[lastempty] = winlist[i]; if (++lastempty == i) lastempty = -1; } } XRestackWindows(G_dpy, winlist, gc->nhidden); xfree(winlist); gc->hidden = 0; G_group_active = gc; } static void _group_destroy(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; if (gc->name != NULL) { xfree(gc->name); gc->name = NULL; } while ((cc = TAILQ_FIRST(&gc->clients)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&gc->clients, cc, group_entry); cc->group = NULL; cc->groupcommit = 0; cc->highlight = 0; client_draw_border(cc); } } void group_init(void) { int i; TAILQ_INIT(&G_groupq); for (i = 0; i < CALMWM_NGROUPS; i++) { TAILQ_INIT(&G_groups[i].clients); G_groups[i].hidden = 0; G_groups[i].shortcut = i + 1; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&G_groupq, &G_groups[i], entry); } G_group_current = G_group_active = &G_groups[0]; } /* * manipulate the 'current group' */ #if 0 /* set current group to the first empty group * returns 0 on success, -1 if there are no empty groups */ int group_new(void) { int i; for (i=0; i < CALMWM_NGROUPS; i++) { if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&G_groups[i].clients)) { G_group_current = &G_groups[i]; return (0); } } return (-1); } #endif /* change the current group */ int group_select(int idx) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_current; struct client_ctx *cc; if (idx < 0 || idx >= CALMWM_NGROUPS) return (-1); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { cc->highlight = 0; client_draw_border(cc); } _group_commit(gc); G_group_current = &G_groups[idx]; group_display_draw(screen_current()); return (0); } /* enter group mode */ void group_enter(void) { if (G_groupmode != 0) errx(1, "group_enter called twice"); if (G_group_current == NULL) G_group_current = &G_groups[0]; /* setup input buffer */ G_group_name[0] = '\0'; G_groupmode = 1; group_display_init(screen_current()); group_display_draw(screen_current()); } /* exit group mode */ void group_exit(int commit) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_current; struct client_ctx *cc; if (G_groupmode != 1) errx(1, "group_exit called twice"); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { cc->highlight = 0; client_draw_border(cc); } if (commit) { _group_commit(gc); } else { /* abort */ _group_purge(gc); if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&gc->clients)) _group_destroy(gc); } XUnmapWindow(G_dpy, screen_current()->groupwin); if (G_groupnamemode) { XSetInputFocus(G_dpy, G_groupfocuswin, G_groupfocusrevert, CurrentTime); G_groupfocusset = 0; } G_groupmode = G_groupnamemode = 0; } void group_click(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_current; if (gc == cc->group) _group_remove(cc); else _group_add(gc, cc); group_display_draw(screen_current()); } /* Used to add a newly mapped window to the active group */ void group_sticky(struct client_ctx *cc) { _group_add(G_group_active, cc); } void group_sticky_toggle_enter(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_active; if (gc == cc->group) { _group_remove(cc); cc->highlight = CLIENT_HIGHLIGHT_RED; } else { _group_add(gc, cc); cc->highlight = CLIENT_HIGHLIGHT_BLUE; } client_draw_border(cc); } void group_sticky_toggle_exit(struct client_ctx *cc) { cc->highlight = 0; client_draw_border(cc); } /* * selection list display */ void group_display_init(struct screen_ctx *sc) { sc->groupwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(G_dpy, sc->rootwin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, sc->blackpixl, sc->whitepixl); } void group_display_draw(struct screen_ctx *sc) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_current; int x, y, dx, dy, fontheight, titlelen; struct client_ctx *cc; char titlebuf[1024]; struct fontdesc *font = DefaultFont; snprintf(titlebuf, sizeof(titlebuf), "Editing group %d", gc->shortcut); x = y = 0; fontheight = font_ascent(font) + font_descent(font) + 1; dx = titlelen = font_width(font, titlebuf, strlen(titlebuf)); dy = fontheight; TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { cc->highlight = CLIENT_HIGHLIGHT_BLUE; client_draw_border(cc); } XMoveResizeWindow(G_dpy, sc->groupwin, x, y, dx, dy); /* XXX */ XSelectInput(G_dpy, sc->groupwin, GroupMask); XMapRaised(G_dpy, sc->groupwin); XClearWindow(G_dpy, sc->groupwin); font_draw(font, titlebuf, strlen(titlebuf), sc->groupwin, 0, font_ascent(font) + 1); } void group_display_keypress(KeyCode k) { struct group_ctx * gc = G_group_current; char chr; enum ctltype ctl; int len; if (!G_groupnamemode) return; if (input_keycodetrans(k, 0, &ctl, &chr, 1) < 0) goto out; switch (ctl) { case CTL_ERASEONE: if ((len = strlen(G_group_name)) > 0) G_group_name[len - 1] = '\0'; break; case CTL_RETURN: if (gc->name != NULL) xfree(gc->name); gc->name = xstrdup(G_group_name); group_exit(1); return; default: break; } if (chr != '\0') snprintf(G_group_name, sizeof(G_group_name), "%s%c", G_group_name, chr); out: group_display_draw(screen_current()); } /* if group_hidetoggle would produce no effect, toggle the group's hidden state */ void _group_fix_hidden_state(struct group_ctx *gc) { struct client_ctx *cc; int same = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &gc->clients, group_entry) { if (gc->hidden == ((cc->flags & CLIENT_HIDDEN) ? 1 : 0)) same++; } if (same == 0) gc->hidden = !gc->hidden; } void group_hidetoggle(int idx) { struct group_ctx *gc; #ifdef notyet char buf[128]; #endif if (idx < 0 || idx >= CALMWM_NGROUPS) err(1, "group_hidetoggle: index out of range (%d)", idx); gc = &G_groups[idx]; _group_fix_hidden_state(gc); if (gc->hidden) _group_show(gc); else { _group_hide(gc); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&gc->clients)) G_group_active = gc; } #ifdef notyet snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Group %d", idx + 1); screen_infomsg(buf); #endif } #define GROUP_NEXT(gc, fwd) (fwd) ? \ TAILQ_NEXT(gc, entry) : TAILQ_PREV(gc, group_ctx_q, entry) /* * Jump to the next/previous active group. If none exist, then just * stay put. */ void group_slide(int fwd) { struct group_ctx *gc, *showgroup = NULL; assert(G_group_active != NULL); gc = G_group_active; for (;;) { gc = GROUP_NEXT(gc, fwd); if (gc == NULL) gc = fwd ? TAILQ_FIRST(&G_groupq) : TAILQ_LAST(&G_groupq, group_ctx_q); if (gc == G_group_active) break; if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&gc->clients) && showgroup == NULL) showgroup = gc; else if (!gc->hidden) _group_hide(gc); } if (showgroup == NULL) return; _group_hide(G_group_active); if (showgroup->hidden) _group_show(showgroup); else G_group_active = showgroup; } /* called when a client is deleted */ void group_client_delete(struct client_ctx *cc) { if (cc->group == NULL) return; TAILQ_REMOVE(&cc->group->clients, cc, group_entry); cc->group = NULL; /* he he */ cc->groupcommit = 0; } void group_menu(XButtonEvent *e) { struct menu_q menuq; struct menu *mi; int i; struct group_ctx *gc; TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); for (i = 0; i < CALMWM_NGROUPS; i++) { gc = &G_groups[i]; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&gc->clients)) continue; if (gc->name == NULL) gc->name = xstrdup(shortcut_to_name[gc->shortcut]); XCALLOC(mi, struct menu); if (gc->hidden) snprintf(mi->text, sizeof(mi->text), "%d: [%s]", gc->shortcut, gc->name); else snprintf(mi->text, sizeof(mi->text), "%d: %s", gc->shortcut, gc->name); mi->ctx = gc; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&menuq, mi, entry); } if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&menuq)) return; mi = (struct menu *)grab_menu(e, &menuq); if (mi == NULL || mi->ctx == NULL) goto cleanup; gc = (struct group_ctx *)mi->ctx; if (gc->hidden) _group_show(gc); else _group_hide(gc); cleanup: while ((mi = TAILQ_FIRST(&menuq)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&menuq, mi, entry); xfree(mi); } } void group_namemode(void) { G_groupnamemode = 1; group_display_draw(screen_current()); } void group_alltoggle(void) { int i; for (i=0; i < CALMWM_NGROUPS; i++) { if (G_grouphideall) _group_show(&G_groups[i]); else _group_hide(&G_groups[i]); } if (G_grouphideall) G_grouphideall = 0; else G_grouphideall = 1; } void group_deletecurrent(void) { _group_destroy(G_group_current); XUnmapWindow(G_dpy, screen_current()->groupwin); G_groupmode = G_groupnamemode = 0; } void group_done(void) { struct group_ctx *gc = G_group_current; if (gc->name != NULL) xfree(gc->name); gc->name = xstrdup(shortcut_to_name[gc->shortcut]); group_exit(1); } void group_autogroup(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct autogroupwin *aw; struct group_ctx *gc; char group[CALMWM_MAXNAMELEN]; if (cc->app_class == NULL || cc->app_name == NULL) return; TAILQ_FOREACH(aw, &G_conf.autogroupq, entry) { if (strcmp(aw->class, cc->app_class) == 0 && (aw->name == NULL || strcmp(aw->name, cc->app_name) == 0)) { strlcpy(group, aw->group, sizeof(group)); break; } } TAILQ_FOREACH(gc, &G_groupq, entry) { if (strcmp(shortcut_to_name[gc->shortcut], group) == 0) _group_add(gc, cc); } }