$-w,w = nil, $-w require File.expand_path('../../lib/bacon', __FILE__) $-w = w # Hooray for meta-testing. module MetaTests def succeed lambda { |block| block.should.not.raise Bacon::Error true } end def fail lambda { |block| block.should.raise Bacon::Error true } end def equal_string(x) lambda { |s| x == s.to_s } end end describe "Bacon" do extend MetaTests it "should have should.satisfy" do lambda { should.satisfy { 1 == 1 } }.should succeed lambda { should.satisfy { 1 } }.should succeed lambda { should.satisfy { 1 != 1 } }.should fail lambda { should.satisfy { false } }.should fail lambda { should.satisfy { false } }.should fail lambda { 1.should.satisfy { |n| n % 2 == 0 } }.should fail lambda { 2.should.satisfy { |n| n % 2 == 0 } }.should succeed end it "should have should.==" do lambda { "string1".should == "string1" }.should succeed lambda { "string1".should == "string2" }.should fail lambda { [1,2,3].should == [1,2,3] }.should succeed lambda { [1,2,3].should == [1,2,4] }.should fail end it "should have should.equal" do lambda { "string1".should == "string1" }.should succeed lambda { "string1".should == "string2" }.should fail lambda { "1".should == 1 }.should fail lambda { "string1".should.equal "string1" }.should succeed lambda { "string1".should.equal "string2" }.should fail lambda { "1".should.equal 1 }.should fail end it "should have should.raise" do lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.raise }.should succeed lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.raise RuntimeError }.should succeed lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.not.raise }.should fail lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.not.raise(RuntimeError) }.should fail lambda { lambda { 1 + 1 }.should.raise }.should fail lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.raise(Interrupt) }.should.raise end it "should have should.change" do lambda { lambda {}.should.change { sleep 0.001; Time.now } }.should succeed lambda { i = 1 lambda { i *= 2 }.should.change { i } }.should succeed lambda { i = 0 lambda { i *= 2 }.should.change { i } }.should fail lambda { should.change { sleep 0.001; Time.now } }.should succeed lambda { should.change { 42 } }.should fail end it "should have should.raise with a block" do lambda { should.raise { raise "Error" } }.should succeed lambda { should.raise(RuntimeError) { raise "Error" } }.should succeed lambda { should.not.raise { raise "Error" } }.should fail lambda { should.not.raise(RuntimeError) { raise "Error" } }.should fail lambda { should.raise { 1 + 1 } }.should fail lambda { should.raise(Interrupt) { raise "Error" } }.should.raise end it "should have a should.raise should return the exception" do ex = lambda { raise "foo!" }.should.raise ex.should.be.kind_of RuntimeError ex.message.should =~ /foo/ end it "should have should.be.an.instance_of" do lambda { "string".should.be.instance_of String }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.instance_of Hash }.should fail lambda { "string".should.be.an.instance_of String }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.an.instance_of Hash }.should fail end it "should have should.be.nil" do lambda { nil.should.be.nil }.should succeed lambda { nil.should.not.be.nil }.should fail lambda { "foo".should.be.nil }.should fail lambda { "foo".should.not.be.nil }.should succeed end it "should have should.include" do lambda { [1,2,3].should.include 2 }.should succeed lambda { [1,2,3].should.include 4 }.should fail lambda { {1=>2, 3=>4}.should.include 1 }.should succeed lambda { {1=>2, 3=>4}.should.include 2 }.should fail end it "should have should.be.a.kind_of" do lambda { Array.should.be.kind_of Module }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.kind_of Object }.should succeed lambda { 1.should.be.kind_of Comparable }.should succeed lambda { Array.should.be.a.kind_of Module }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.a.kind_of Class }.should fail end it "should have should.match" do lambda { "string".should.match(/strin./) }.should succeed lambda { "string".should =~ /strin./ }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.match(/slin./) }.should fail lambda { "string".should =~ /slin./ }.should fail end it "should have should.not.raise" do lambda { lambda { 1 + 1 }.should.not.raise }.should succeed lambda { lambda { 1 + 1 }.should.not.raise(Interrupt) }.should succeed lambda { lambda { lambda { Kernel.raise ZeroDivisionError.new("ArgumentError") }.should.not.raise(RuntimeError, Comparable) }.should.raise ZeroDivisionError }.should succeed lambda { lambda { raise "Error" }.should.not.raise }.should fail end it "should have should.throw" do lambda { lambda { throw :foo }.should.throw(:foo) }.should succeed lambda { lambda { :foo }.should.throw(:foo) }.should fail should.throw(:foo) { throw :foo } end it "should have should.not.satisfy" do lambda { should.not.satisfy { 1 == 2 } }.should succeed lambda { should.not.satisfy { 1 == 1 } }.should fail end it "should have should.not.equal" do lambda { "string1".should.not == "string2" }.should succeed lambda { "string1".should.not == "string1" }.should fail end it "should have should.not.match" do lambda { "string".should.not.match(/sling/) }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.not.match(/string/) }.should fail # lambda { "string".should.not.match("strin") }.should fail lambda { "string".should.not =~ /sling/ }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.not =~ /string/ }.should fail # lambda { "string".should.not =~ "strin" }.should fail end it "should have should.be.identical_to/same_as" do lambda { s = "string"; s.should.be.identical_to s }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.identical_to "string" }.should fail lambda { s = "string"; s.should.be.same_as s }.should succeed lambda { "string".should.be.same_as "string" }.should fail end it "should have should.respond_to" do lambda { "foo".should.respond_to :to_s }.should succeed lambda { 5.should.respond_to :to_str }.should fail lambda { :foo.should.respond_to :nx }.should fail end it "should have should.be.close" do lambda { 1.4.should.be.close 1.4, 0 }.should succeed lambda { 0.4.should.be.close 0.5, 0.1 }.should succeed lambda { 0.4.should.be.close 0.5, 0.05 }.should fail lambda { 0.4.should.be.close Object.new, 0.1 }.should fail lambda { 0.4.should.be.close 0.5, -0.1 }.should fail end it "should support multiple negation" do lambda { 1.should.equal 1 }.should succeed lambda { 1.should.not.equal 1 }.should fail lambda { 1.should.not.not.equal 1 }.should succeed lambda { 1.should.not.not.not.equal 1 }.should fail lambda { 1.should.equal 2 }.should fail lambda { 1.should.not.equal 2 }.should succeed lambda { 1.should.not.not.equal 2 }.should fail lambda { 1.should.not.not.not.equal 2 }.should succeed end it "should have should." do lambda { [].should.be.empty }.should succeed lambda { [1,2,3].should.not.be.empty }.should succeed lambda { [].should.not.be.empty }.should fail lambda { [1,2,3].should.be.empty }.should fail lambda { {1=>2, 3=>4}.should.has_key 1 }.should succeed lambda { {1=>2, 3=>4}.should.not.has_key 2 }.should succeed lambda { nil.should.bla }.should.raise(NoMethodError) lambda { nil.should.not.bla }.should.raise(NoMethodError) end it "should have should (>, >=, <, <=, ===)" do lambda { 2.should.be > 1 }.should succeed lambda { 1.should.be > 2 }.should fail lambda { 1.should.be < 2 }.should succeed lambda { 2.should.be < 1 }.should fail lambda { 2.should.be >= 1 }.should succeed lambda { 2.should.be >= 2 }.should succeed lambda { 2.should.be >= 2.1 }.should fail lambda { 2.should.be <= 1 }.should fail lambda { 2.should.be <= 2 }.should succeed lambda { 2.should.be <= 2.1 }.should succeed lambda { Array.should === [1,2,3] }.should succeed lambda { Integer.should === [1,2,3] }.should fail lambda { /foo/.should === "foobar" }.should succeed lambda { "foobar".should === /foo/ }.should fail end it "should allow for custom shoulds" do lambda { (1+1).should equal_string("2") }.should succeed lambda { (1+2).should equal_string("2") }.should fail lambda { (1+1).should.be equal_string("2") }.should succeed lambda { (1+2).should.be equal_string("2") }.should fail lambda { (1+1).should.not equal_string("2") }.should fail lambda { (1+2).should.not equal_string("2") }.should succeed lambda { (1+2).should.not.not equal_string("2") }.should fail lambda { (1+1).should.not.be equal_string("2") }.should fail lambda { (1+2).should.not.be equal_string("2") }.should succeed end it "should have should.flunk" do lambda { should.flunk }.should fail lambda { should.flunk "yikes" }.should fail end end describe "before/after" do before do @a = 1 @b = 2 end before do @a = 2 end after do @a.should.equal 2 @a = 3 end after do @a.should.equal 3 end it "should run in the right order" do @a.should.equal 2 @b.should.equal 2 end describe "when nested" do before do @c = 5 end it "should run from higher level" do @a.should.equal 2 @b.should.equal 2 end it "should run at the nested level" do @c.should.equal 5 end before do @a = 5 end it "should run in the right order" do @a.should.equal 5 @a = 2 end end it "should not run from lower level" do @c.should.be.nil end describe "when nested at a sibling level" do it "should not run from sibling level" do @c.should.be.nil end end end shared "a shared context" do it "gets called where it is included" do true.should.be.true end end shared "another shared context" do it "can access data" do @magic.should.be.equal 42 end end describe "shared/behaves_like" do behaves_like "a shared context" ctx = self it "raises NameError when the context is not found" do lambda { ctx.behaves_like "whoops" }.should.raise NameError end behaves_like "a shared context" before { @magic = 42 } behaves_like "another shared context" end describe "Methods" do def the_meaning_of_life 42 end it "should be accessible in a test" do the_meaning_of_life.should == 42 end describe "when in a sibling context" do it "should be accessible in a test" do the_meaning_of_life.should == 42 end end end describe 'describe arguments' do def check(ctx,name) ctx.should.be.an.instance_of Bacon::Context ctx.instance_variable_get('@name').should == name end it 'should work with string' do check(describe('string') {},'string') end it 'should work with symbols' do check(describe(:behaviour) {},'behaviour') end it 'should work with modules' do check(describe(Bacon) {},'Bacon') end it 'should work with namespaced modules' do check(describe(Bacon::Context) {},'Bacon::Context') end it 'should work with multiple arguments' do check(describe(Bacon::Context, :empty) {},'Bacon::Context empty') end end