# Rakefile for Bacon. -*-ruby-*- require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' desc "Run all the tests" task :default => [:test] desc "Do predistribution stuff" task :predist => [:chmod, :changelog, :rdoc] desc "Make an archive as .tar.gz" task :dist => [:test, :predist] do sh "git archive --format=tar --prefix=#{release}/ HEAD^{tree} >#{release}.tar" sh "pax -waf #{release}.tar -s ':^:#{release}/:' RDOX ChangeLog doc" sh "gzip -f -9 #{release}.tar" end # Helper to retrieve the "revision number" of the git tree. def git_tree_version if File.directory?(".git") @tree_version ||= `git describe`.strip.sub('-', '.') @tree_version << ".0" unless @tree_version.count('.') == 2 else $: << "lib" require 'bacon' @tree_version = Bacon::VERSION end @tree_version end def gem_version git_tree_version.gsub(/-.*/, '') end def release "bacon-#{git_tree_version}" end def manifest `git ls-files`.split("\n") - [".gitignore"] end desc "Make binaries executable" task :chmod do Dir["bin/*"].each { |binary| File.chmod(0775, binary) } end desc "Generate a ChangeLog" task :changelog do File.open("ChangeLog", "w") { |out| `git log -z`.split("\0").map { |chunk| author = chunk[/Author: (.*)/, 1].strip date = chunk[/Date: (.*)/, 1].strip desc, detail = $'.strip.split("\n", 2) detail ||= "" detail = detail.gsub(/.*darcs-hash:.*/, '') detail.rstrip! out.puts "#{date} #{author}" out.puts " * #{desc.strip}" out.puts detail unless detail.empty? out.puts } } end desc "Generate RDox" task "RDOX" do sh "bin/bacon -Ilib --automatic --specdox >RDOX" end desc "Run all the tests" task :test do ruby "bin/bacon -Ilib --automatic --quiet" end desc "Generate RDoc documentation" Rake::RDocTask.new(:rdoc) do |rdoc| rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '--main' << 'README' << '--title' << 'Bacon Documentation' << '--charset' << 'utf-8' rdoc.rdoc_dir = "doc" rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'README' rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'COPYING' rdoc.rdoc_files.include 'RDOX' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/bacon.rb') end task :rdoc => ["RDOX"]