wcalISO weekly calendarLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
hittpdefficient, no-frills HTTP 1.1 serverLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2021Advent of Code 2021 ( in BQN and ClojureLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2020Advent of Code 2020 ( in J and ClojureLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
git-merge-prapply GitHub pull request from command-lineLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
hrmpfhrmpf rescue system, built on Void LinuxLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
moara very simple single-file hypertext systemLeah Neukirchen3 yearssummary log tree
triviumTrivium, my minimalist blogging engineLeah Neukirchen4 yearssummary log tree
rwcreport when files changeLeah Neukirchen4 yearssummary log tree
mewixa ports-based reproducible Linux distributionLeah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
socklog-voidVoid Linux socklog configurationLeah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2019Advent of Code 2019 ( in k and Perl 5Leah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
atxecrun command expanding arguments from file or environmentLeah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2018Advent of Code 2018 ( in k and RustLeah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
notyeta text-based recursive task trackerLeah Neukirchen5 yearssummary log tree
tap3check output/error/status of a command against a specificationLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
ssonS-Expression Standard Object NotationLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
ministata small tool to do the statistics legwork on benchmarks etc.Leah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
sqa 7x15 pixel font inspired by Codec and Quadraat Sans MonoLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
lrepliterate read-eval-printLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
gitsumgitsum.git basic darcsum feelalike for GitLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
bacona small RSpec cloneLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
arr(re)arrange and select fields on each lineLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2015Advent of Code 2015 ( in KLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
xdudisplay the output of 'du' in an X windowLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
styleguideVarious style guidesLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
rnlremove trailing newlinesLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
rdumpfsa rsync-based dump file system backup toolLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
pdsparallel data substitutionLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
nechominimal, sensible alternatives to echo(1)Leah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
holesfind runs of zero bytesLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2017Advent of Code 2017 ( in K and C++Leah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
adventofcode2016Advent of Code 2016 ( in K and JLeah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
5x13a condensed pixel font built on 6x13 ('fixed')Leah Neukirchen6 yearssummary log tree
mirror/ of git:// Neukirchensummary log tree
mirror/ of git:// Neukirchensummary log tree
mirror/ of git:// Neukirchensummary log tree
mirror/ of git:// Neukirchensummary log tree