#!/usr/bin/env ruby # notyet [-ace] [-f FILE] [FILTERS...] - a todo tracker # # notyet is in the public domain. # To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen # has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ require 'optionparser' require 'date' TODAY = Date.today class Entry < Struct.new(:depth, :state, :desc, :file, :line, :children) def reindent(change) self.depth += change children.each { |c| c.reindent change } self end def dump unless $show_all return if "xX".index(state) return if count("xX") == count end if depth < 0 puts "#{desc.strip} [#{count("xX")}/#{count("-xX")}]".lstrip unless $edit else stat = children.empty? ? "" : " [#{count("xX")}/#{count("-xX")}]" print "#{file}:#{line}\t" if $edit && depth >= 0 print "#{" " * depth}#{state} #{desc}#{stat}\n" if depth >= 0 end children.each { |c| c.dump } end def count(s=nil) if children.empty? && (s.nil? || s.index(state)) return 1 else children.map { |c| c.count(s) }.sum end end def sort children.each { |c| c.sort } children.sort_by! { |c| [c.state, c.desc] } end def propagate unless children.empty? children.each { |c| c.propagate } if children.all? { |c| "X".index(c.state) } self.state = "X" elsif children.all? { |c| "xX".index(c.state) } self.state = "x" elsif children.all? { |c| "?xX".index(c.state) } self.state = "?" end if state == "x" force("x") elsif state == "?" force("?") end if desc =~ /^(?:\(.*?\)\s*)?(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/ diff = "%+d" % (Date.parse($1) - TODAY) self.desc = "#{$1} {#{diff}}#{$'}" else soonest = children.map { |c| "-?".index(c.state) && c.desc[/^(?:\(.*?\)\s*)?(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/, 1] }.compact.min if soonest diff = "%+d" % (Date.parse(soonest) - TODAY) self.desc = "#{soonest} {#{diff}} #{desc}" end end end end def force(state) self.state = state unless "X?".index(state) children.each { |c| c.force(state) } end # remove two layers of parents def splat self.children = children.map { |c| c.splat if c.desc == "#splat" && !c.children.empty? sub = c.children.map { |cc| cc.children }.flatten rel = sub.first.depth - c.depth sub.map { |cc| cc.reindent(-rel) } else [c] end }.flatten(1) end def match1(word) desc =~ %r{(^|\W)#{Regexp.quote word.to_s}($|\W)} end def match(word) # need to match all non-@ words, and one of the mentioned @-words (if any) tags, words = word.partition { |w| w =~ /^@/ } (tags.empty? || tags.any? { |w| match1(w) }) && words.all? { |w| match1(w) } end def rmatch(word) match(word) || children.any? { |c| c.rmatch(word) } end def filter(word) if !match(word) children.reject! { |c| !c.rmatch(word) } children.each { |c| c.filter(word) } end end end def parse(io, filename=nil) todos = [Entry.new(-1, "/", "", "", 0, [])] filter = (io.stat.ftype != "file") while line = io.gets if filter && line =~ /^(.*):(\d+)\t/ fname, lineno, line = $1, $2.to_i, $' else fname, lineno = filename, io.lineno end if line =~ /\A(?:\s*(?:#|\/\/)\s)?(\s*)([-xX?])\s+(.*)/ i, state, desc = $1.size, $2, $3 while i <= todos.last.depth todos.pop end children = [] if desc =~ /^#exec\s+(.+)/ # - error handling for #exec IO.popen($1) { |f| sub = parse(f, $1) sub.reindent(i+2) children = sub.children } next if children.empty? elsif desc =~ /^#include\s+(\S+)/ File.open(File.expand_path($1)) { |f| sub = parse(f, $1) sub.reindent(i+2) children = sub.children } next if children.empty? elsif desc =~ /^#includeall\s+(\S+)/ Dir.glob(File.expand_path($1)) { |file| File.open(file) { |f| sub = parse(f, $1) sub.reindent(i+4) children << Entry.new(i+2, state, "#include #{file}", fname, lineno, sub.children) } } next if children.empty? end e = Entry.new(i, state, desc, fname, lineno, children) todos.last.children << e todos << e end end todos.first end files = [] filter = [] $show_all = $edit = false count_only = false opt_parser = OptionParser.new { |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: notyet [-ace] [-f FILE] [FILTERS...]" opts.summary_width = 9 opts.on("-a", "show all tasks (default: open tasks only)") { $show_all = true } opts.on("-c", "only show total count") { count_only = true } opts.on("-f FILE", "read tasks from FILE (default ~/.notyet)") { |f| files << f } opts.on("-e", "edit tasks in vim") { $edit = true } }.parse! ARGV files = [File.expand_path("~/.notyet")] if files.empty? t = nil files.each { |file| File.open(file) { |f| d = parse(f, file) if t t.children.concat d.children else t = d end } } t.splat t.propagate t.sort t.filter(ARGV) if count_only puts "#{t.count("xX")}/#{t.count("-xX")}" exit end if $edit && STDOUT.tty? rd, wr = IO.pipe $stdout = wr Process.spawn('vim', '+nmap ^gF', '+nmap ', '+set nomod nowrap conceallevel=3 concealcursor=nc', '+syn match Conceal /^.\{-}\t/ conceal', '+syn match Comment /\t\s*[xX].*/lc=1', '+hi Comment cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE guifg=#777777 guibg=NONE', '-', 0 => rd) t.dump $stdout.close Process.wait exit $?.exitstatus else t.dump end